If you have a question and you can’t find the answer below, please contact us via email and we will be happy to get back to you.
+ Why is your participation this important?
This study will tell us if children and school and daycare staff have been infected with COVID-19—even if they did not show any symptoms. The results will help researchers learn about COVID-19 in children and school and daycare staff and will be used to make important decisions about how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in daycares, schools, and neighbourhoods.
+ How will you determine if my child has been infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19?
To determine if a child or a staff member has been infected by the virus, we will need to take a small blood sample from a finger prick. The participant’s finger is pricked with a lancet, which contains a small needle and then a few drops of blood are dropped onto a special piece of paper. The blood sample, called a dried blood spot, will then be sent to a laboratory.
COVID-19 is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. At the laboratory, a test will be conducted which measures specific antibodies in the blood that were produced to fight a SARS-CoV-2 infection. These antibodies stay in the body, even after the infection goes away, so we will be able to determine if the participant (child or staff member) has had a previous infection with the virus that causes COVID-19.
We will not be able to tell if the participant is currently infected. In order to diagnose a current infection with SARS-CoV-2, a different type of test is done which involves taking a sample from the nose and throat using a swab. We will not be conducting these tests but if you or your child has COVID-19 symptoms you can have this test performed at one of the many testing sites: https://covid19.quebec.ca/surveys/cdd2/questionnaire
+ Positive antibody test result : what does it mean?
A positive result means that antibodies are present in the participant’s blood from a prior infection to the virus that causes COVID-19. Immunity is when you are protected from getting an infection with virus after having it previously. We do not know if having COVID-19 once will give you or your child immunity from contracting the virus again.
+ Negative antibody test result : what does it mean?
A negative result means that antibodies from an infection to the COVID-19 virus were not found in the participant’s blood. This finding can mean three things:
The participant (child or staff member) has not been infected by the COVID-19 virus or a related virus; or
The participant has been infected by the virus but their immune system did not have enough time to develop an antibody response; or
The participant has been infected by the virus but their immune system did not respond by producing antibodies.
+ What should I do after the blood collection is done?
Once the blood collection is done, you need to mail the blood sample to us, using the return envelope and stamp provided. You will receive an email alert once the laboratory has analyzed the sample and the results are ready!
+ Will my personal data be protected?
All information that is collected for the study is completely confidential and secure. In the consent form, personal information is collected (e.g., names) and this information is not connected with the questionnaire answers or the blood test. We use an ID for each study participant that represents each child or staff member without revealing their name. Also, all information is stored on encrypted and secure computer servers where only the research team has access to this information.
No individual-level information will be provided to the school or daycare, we will provide the school or daycare with a summary report of all students and staff members and this report will also be provided to the families that participated in this study.
+ As a parent, how do I get my child’s approval (assent) for the study?
We have provided information on our website including a video to help explain the study to your child. If they have any other questions, we would be happy to answer them! Children who have the ability to fully understand the study, need to give their approval to participate (called assent) in the study. It is important that your child is not forced to participate in the study or to have their finger pricked if they do not want to. Your child’s voice and opinion need to be heard. You will need to enter your child’s answer to participating in the study, which is part of the online consent process. For all minor participants (under the age of 18), a parent or legal guardian also needs to provide their consent for the child to participate. For very young children, they may not have the ability to fully understand the study and to give their approval to participate, but it is important to remember they should not be forced to have their finger pricked if they really do not want to.
+ What happens if a child or a staff member tests positive for COVID-19 ( swab test)?
If a participant (child or staff member) has tested positive for COVID-19 infection (from the swab test) during the school year, please inform us as soon as possible by sending us an email at info@encorestudy.ca.
+ I received the results of the blood test: what happens next?
At the end of the school year, children and teens will be invited to complete the questionnaire again and to provide a new blood sample. We will send you an email when it is time for the end of the school year collection!